Jackie Chan Movie and Media College
JACKIE CHAN Film and Media School is the only international professional media industry-led institute in China, that the famous star Mr.Jackie Chan has opened. Mr. Jackie Chan is Dean of the institute and will be personally taking part in the graduation and diploma ceremo-nies of the students, including signinig the student's diplomas. The institute prides itself on having a high technological standard with a modern culture. The school is not be beaten in the professional plat-form and in international field of the Acting, Animation, and Digital Media Art— and many other multidisciplinary majors that are culturally focused. The institute counts on 800 students, 30 professors and is in the process of mounting a team of international teachers. Pres-ently, those hired so far are: FENG Xiaogang, ZHANG Guoli, XU Fan, LI Bingbing, WANG Guoqiang, XU Junguo, SUN Guozhen, CAO Xiaohui, YUANXiaofang and other famous film directors, film celebrities, professorswho are experts in their field all teaching arts at the institute.
A specialized computing class was constructed, as well as a profession-al animation studio, interactive digital laboratories, professionalstudios, physical training venue, a television campus station, as wellas a number of specialized laboratory centers. There have also been film and television companies that have partnered together to foreseestudent internships, as well as to respond to the learning and teaching demands, including to the research projects of teachers and students. In 2014, the institute succeeded in introducing, at the provincial level, training projects for the emerging industry talents.
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College of Art and Design
Art and Design offers training in Visual Communication Design, Clothing and apparel Design, Products Design, and Advertising, four specialties at the Bachelor’s level. The institute recruits, at the Hubei Institute of Fine Arts, at the University of Wuhan, at the Hubei University of Technology, professors who are experts in these fields, as academic leaders to assist with the development of the majors as well as personal training. The institute has available at its disposal 49 full-time teachers, 7 professors and associates,35 lecturers, 28 external teachers of which 11 are professors and associates,all giving it an already balanced structure by proposing a high level of teaching with a distinguishable team.
The institute gives its best to reinforce and build a practical teaching environment, by staffing excellent material, with specialized and modern studios, specialized laboratories, computer science training, multimedia classrooms, design studios-all in total 48. More and more, classrooms outside of campus are available as well as research facilities for the studies.
There have also been a number of long term partnerships signed to facilitate the needs of theoretical and practical teaching-all is being done to increase the quality of teaching. The institute is equally focused on reinforcing teaching along with research, viewing the university’s research exchanges and promotion of education and better improvement to the skill development. For the last years, the institute has been approved for two research projects at the provincial level, 11 niversity research projects and 6 high level programs. The instructors have published 164 articles, 42 monographies, 127 awarded research teachers, as well as 300 teacher-tutors have been awarded.
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College of Environmental Design
Environmental Design School distinguishes itself in its teachings of Environmental Design, Landscape Architecture and Garden, these three routes to take within the Bachelor’s degree. The institute has available 73 full-time instructors, of which 10 are professors, 14 associate professors, 37 lecturers, 12 assistants. More than 97% of the teaching staff has a higher level of study reaching at least a Masters’ degree. The institute posses 5000㎡ of office and classroom space, as well as: for the student’s disposal a studio or study and creative areas for the various disciplines, a versatile architectural design, environmental engineering, urban planning, decorative architecture, software technology, modeling, etc., There are also 12 outside of campus permanent studios for the students to carry out their intern ships. The school has 2308 students and during the last years their diplomas have acquired overall high standards and an exceptional practice that have attracted the attention of prospective employers. There have been 15 theses that have obtained high standard results at the provincial level. A number of students succeeded in passing their exams to enter the Masters’ program in Chinese and foreign universities, resulting in 2014 and 2015 in landscaping majors, architectural landscaping, respectively 27 of the 35 admitted students at the Masters’ level comprise of the University of Birmingham and some from the “211” project.
During these past years, the spirit of innovation and their hands on in the students and their practice have constantly improved and have obtained positive results in different national and provincial competitions. In 2009,the institute won at the Exposition of Art and Design of Independent Institutes in Hubei twice the first prize award, a second prize award and three times the third prize award. In 2010, the institute won the prize for best individual performance at the 2nd National University Design Contest. In 2011, it won the award for excellence at the 11th Environmental Art and Design Session. Finally, in 2014 the institute won a bronze medal for the category of “young designer” at the Environmental Art Expo.
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School of public art
Jackie Chan film and television media college is the only film and television media art college established in China by Jackie Chan, the winner of the Oscar Lifetime Achievement Award. Jackie Chan is the president of the college. The college has more than 2900 college students and 90 full-time teachers, including 7 professors and 15 associate professors. It also employs teachers from Changjiang people's Art Theatre, Wuhan people's Art Theatre and art universities as part-time teachers. It also employs film and television stars, professors and scholars such as Feng Xiaogang, Zhang Guoli, Xu fan, Li Bingbing, Yin Mei and sang Jijia as teachers and participates in the college's education and teaching....
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College of Food Biotechnology
Food and Biological Engineering School relies on the teaching of mainstream disciplines and the institutional quality resources of the University of Agriculture of Huazhong. It has the Food Science and Engineering, Food Quality and Safety, and Biotechnology, that are three programs of Bachelor’s degree. There have been 43 teachers, 30 of which are full-time teachers, witha 90% coming from an excellent level of teaching. 96.5% of the instructors have a level higher or equal to a Masters’ degree. There are consequently 22 training centers, biotechnology and food laboratories and other outside of campus internship centers.
The institute has now a “key” major at the provincial level(in teaching), a strategic project and training stage for thepersonnel of the industry at the provincial level, as well as a “professional global reform” projects. There are 5 educational provincial reforms, 5 university pedagogy reform projects, 7 quality teaching projects, 2 provincial level research projects, 5 university research projects, 1 entreprise sponsored research project and 9 internship programs in technological and scientific innovations at the national and provincial level. There are actually 1278 students at the institute; these students during the last years have developed four patent models, an innovation patent, and published 4 theses. They have brought home at the national and provincial level, 22 first place prizes, second and third place prizes at the English Competition for College Students. They have also won 38 times prizes at the national , provincial or regional Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling, 8 times the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prizes at the province of Hubei competition, in experimental Biology. There have been 19 theses that have been awarded at the provincial level for their excellence. More than 90% of the graduates find work after their studies and 20.8% pass their Masters’ degree program entry exam.
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College of Business
Business School was founded in 2008 and teaches Trade and International Economy, Marketing, Management of Human Resources, Logistics, Business English and these five License majors, primarily for the economic development needs but also for the talents who have skills of having a global strategy and a pioneering market spirit, an ability for creation and a certain management responsibility regarding the company.
The institute counts on 70 full-time teachers that have obtained their diplomas from top national and international universities all with a minimum Masters’ degree, counting on 8 professors, 15 associate professors and 40 intermediate level professors. The institute puts the emphasis on practical teaching and the student’s skills development. There are special international laboratories constructed for, trade, administration affairs and business English affairs etc. The main focus of the instruction is oriented toward business training through the internships available outside ofcampus for the students to learn. The institute has established partnerships with large corporations to offer the students internships and practical courses. The innovation of these afterschool trainings is to activate “the promotion of competition to promote training ”, as to allow the students a forum of diverse academic competition and practical extracurricular technological innovation. The quality of the personnel training is largely recognized by the various circles of society, because in 2014 a total of 105 talents, in the scientific and technological field, obtained national and provincial awards in view of their practical and academic know-how.
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College of Computer Science
Information Engineering School has training in the Computer Science and Technology, as well as Software Engineering with a total of 496 students. There are presently 25 full-time instructors of which 17 are external engineers, 6 professors and 9 are associate professors. The institute’s main objective is to shape the skills by instilling practical innovation abilities, that which is at the heart of the training and putting the focus on the quality of the instruction. The institute has at its disposal key majors such as: Software Development, Mobile Telephony, Embedded Systems and other specialties. A practical teaching system is already in place. The institute already has in place a complete learning system in developing businesses, School-Business, to better develop the student’s instruction of how to do face-to-face business and meet the demands of the corporations.
During these last three years, the professors at the institute have presided over 3 instruction or scientific research projects. The students have participated in 2 training projects at the provincial level, on the innovation and entrepreneurial subject matter, and have obtained the copyrights for 1software. They have succeeded in winning 3 awards at the national level and 21 awards at the provincial level at the National Mathematical Modeling Contest, as well as other disciplines. Furthermore, first prize was won at, The International Mathematical Modeling American Student Contest in 2015.
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